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x Bert

Thinc, Brand Transformation


DCS Solutions is the former name of a UK-based ERP and technology services reseller.

Post acquisition the new leadership team undertook a strategic review of all aspects of the business. Following a competitive process Bert was appointed to support a strategic review of the brand and the role it could play in fuelling the company's growth.

Our Clarify programme highlighted both the scale of the opportunity and the deficiencies of the current identity. All aspects of the identity required improvement, included the name which scored poorly in recall tests, the poorly defined propositions, and a visual identity system with no protectable assets, it was clear a significant shift was required in order to help the new owners fulfil the company's considerable potential.


The leadership team at Thinc embraced our open creativity process, from renaming through to the visual identity creation. This engagement helped elevate the work, but also ensured the risks inherent in rebranding and renaming an already successful brand were carefully mitigated.

A dedicated project team, with representation from every Thinc department ensured deep engagement with the whole company. Our process also involved partners and customers at key stages of the project, to ensure the new brand was loved, even before its launch.

Each aspect of the Thinc brand has been designed to seamlessly align with every other aspect of the identity system. This begins with the name. Thinc is an abbreviation of The Intelligent Company, which in turn features in the brand’s purpose ‘Creating Intelligent Companies’. Becoming an Intelligent Company is the goal for many Thinc clients and prospects, and the term is quickly becoming synonymous with Thinc and a valuable part of its intellectual property.

The visual identity centres on the wordmark Thinc and the ‘Amplify’ symbol. The identity was created on Thinc’s belief that human potential can be elevated by automating routine processes; both intelligence and a digital impression of rotating cogs that drive industries forwards feature in the Amplify symbol.

We created a series of brand signifiers to aid visual recognition of the brand and add depth to the identity system. The signifiers include an adaptive logomark, which morphs to communicate the core human behaviours proven to amplify business performance.

The legacy website was re-imagined. The site is now brand-led, communicating Thinc first with key partner brands such as SAP, Sage, Microsoft and Kaspersky supporting the core proposition.

Our content and social marketing team has developed detailed thought leadership campaigns to leverage Thinc’s Intelligent Companies intellectual property and to engage prospects.

Social templates and design kits were also delivered for use by the in-house team.

We planned, managed and directed a series location shoots with the Thinc team to create a library of brand images for use across all campaigns and collateral. The brand’s ‘amplifying human potential’ proposition is core to all Thinc brand photography. This shift from technology has helped differentiate Thinc and neatly communicates its story.

The photography communicates the brand’s approach and values, showing Thinc colleagues in client and partner workplaces. The shots, although carefully composed, represent the consultative, hands-on approach of the Thinc team.

Despite digital tools and channels driving the majority of brand interactions, print continues to play a vital role for the brand. A brand book has helped customers, prospects and colleagues engage with Thinc, and internal guides distributed by brand champions have been vital in generating support and engagement amongst all colleagues.


Our relationship with Thinc has continued to grow alongside the business. We've supported and advised on all aspects of the brand's growth, from campaigns and content to helping design its new Manchester HQ.

Thinc has recently opened its first international office at Toronto's prestigious MARS Waterfront, another sign of the company's ongoing commitment to investment and growth.

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